Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bend, OR to Klamath, CA

Ok, sorry to back up a bit, but we have had a hard time finding fast enough and reliable enough internet access to update the blog with a real post. We do have email-posting capability from our iPhones, and that has a been a bit more reliable, so hence all the short photo posts lately. Anyway -- to back up quite a bit:

We left Bend, OR on the 5th of July fairly early. We had thought about heading with Mike and Char to Smith Rock for a morning of high-anxiety, run-out sport climbing, but decided... naaaaaah, not really our style. This is more our style:

So we headed south, first to Crater Lake, then on to Klamath, CA.

First stop: Crater Lake, OR. Gorgeous place, very high altitude (over 9,000 ft tall at the peak, with the rim road around 7,000 ft). Who knew that Crater Lake was the deepest lake in the US? almost 2,000 ft deep!? Crazy.

We had thought about camping here for the night, but unless you were really going to head to the back country, or bike around the lake, there really wasn't that much to do here, so we stopped, took a few photos and kept on moving... it was only about 10am, so we decided to make a run for our next stop, Klamath, CA to do some beach climbing at Lost Rocks.

Sometime in the next several hours Lorin had to pee really bad, so she "forced herself to fall asleep, then I woke up and crazy woman in a brown outfit was stealing my cherries!". Translation: She fell asleep, and as we crossed into California, there was an "agricultural stop" that basically ensures that you don't bring any fruit into Cali, even though it was probably grown there anyway. With this neat little "larvae" stop, they make sure you buy Cali produce at least once, and if what you had to begin with was already grown there, then shipped to Oregon, then you now end up buying Cali produce TWICE. Nice policy.

We camped at Kamp Klamath and mad an effort to find some beach boulders. Here's the Notable photos from this leg:

1st official campsite of the road trip:

Dog went CRAZY at the beach. She loved it:

A couple Turkey Vultures were going at the remains of a seal...

Some of the climbing:

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